Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

Being a journalist consists of a lot of skills and sometimes those skills do not come naturally. That is why this spring semester I decided to take a photography class. Being a journalist today means that you have to be a jack of all traits and that’s exactly what I’m setting out to do.

This was one of the first pictures I took for the class. At first I thought this was a great picture, but I didn't realize how out of focus it really was. I was too busy paying attention to the focus, I didn't see how out of focus the picture really was.

This was one of the first pictures I took for the class. At first I thought this was a great picture, but I didn’t realize how out of focus it really was. I was too busy paying attention to the focus, I didn’t see how out of focus the picture really was.

I have never handled a professional grade camera until I enrolled in Photographic Journalism. I was totally outside of my comfort zone, but so were many people in the class. Realizing this, I knew that there wasn’t a reason for me to be intimidated by anyone else. Of course there were people in the class whom had pervious experience with cameras but they all started on the same level I did.

This is probably my favorite photo from the wedding. This picture isn't perfect, but it has elements that I appreciate. The blurred background, the shine on the man's head and the vibrant colors, I love all of that about this picture.

This is probably my favorite photo from the wedding. This picture isn’t perfect, but it has elements that I appreciate. The blurred background, the shine on the man’s head and the vibrant colors, I love all of that about this picture.

I took this class as an opportunity to work on my abilities and have a basic understanding of photography. I learned what aperture, ISO and shutter speed worked, and how together, the ability to take a picture in any environment was available.

I was extremely nervous to go out there and take pictures if people, I am still a nervous about it. But taking this class has thought me to just get out there and snap away. Go out there and take the picture and if someone notices just introduce and explain the situation to them. Which was something huge for me to over come.

This is a perfect example how sometimes you get caught taking pictures but you can't just run away when that happens.

This is a perfect example how sometimes you get caught taking pictures but you can’t just run away when that happens.

I think this is something journalism students everywhere need to learn. From my person experience of transferring to UF I felt overwhelmed and intimidated by the people who where already so involved and achieved so much. But I can’t let that trap me behind. As a journalism you have to be able to push yourself and put yourself out in the open and this class has help me start to achieve that. I am extremely proud of my work in JOU3601 and know I know that’s how I should feel about all the work I produce and put out there.

Probably my favorite part of taking this course is the fact that I can now take pictures of events in my life. I have been a make and keep memories of things in my life that I enjoy and I feel free to share them with people now.

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Just one of the may pictures I took at Santa Fe College girls softball team’s game on the 17th.

Another reason why I am so glad that I took Photographic Journalism is because I am taking pictures of things I never have before. Last week I decided to go out and take pictures at a sporting event. I have never taken an action shot before and was extremely nervous, I didn’t think I could do it. But I was so proud of what I took. I have never taken action shot before and I thought they were photos right out of a sporting magazine. I could be really full of myself, but I’m extremely proud of all of those photos.